Skills Needed
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  These overall skills are helpful in studying and are necessary to master the art of learning scripture.


1.    The ability to establish the purpose for reading.

o       Are you reading for recreation?

o       Are you reading for getting to know God more?

o       Are you reading for getting to know God’s truth better?

o       Are you studying topically?

o       Are you studying one book?

o       Are you searching the scriptures for answer to a personal concern?

o       Are you reading for doctrine?

o       Are you reading to learn to teach someone else?

2.   Adjusting reading speed according to the purpose of studying

o       Are you skimming the passage?

o       Are you reading for content?

o       Are you scanning for specific details?

3.     Spotting context clues in the passage.

  o    Recognizing vocabulary

o      Being able to use words and phrases to understand unknown words or concepts.

o       Identifying specialized terms from common terms.

o       Identifying figurative language from literal meanings?

4.      Using critical thinking skills are a part of studying scripture.

o       Recognizing patterns (such as order, sequence, contrast/comparisons, cause/effect relationships, prediction skills).

o       Finding personal interests in scriptures to learn self-motivation to study.

o       Self-monitoring skills (How well am I comprehending? Am I reading too fast or too slow? Etc.)

o       Ability to adjust one’s energy level to the event of learning.

o       Adjust listening according to the situation (i.e. during preaching, a discussion class, listening to a fellow Christian to give support).

o       Rise above the expectations of others.

5.     Self-questioning skills are necessary to pull the meaning from the passage.

   o    Who, what, where, how, why questions are the starting points

·        Who is the main character?

·        Who is the author of the book being studied?

·        What is the main point the author is pointing out?

·        What is the supporting material that backs up the main point?

·        Where does it take place (geographical, where in the book, where in the Bible, etc)?

·        How is the passage constructed?

·        Why is the passage placed where it is?

    o      Advanced questioning skills

§         Knowledge based questions (Recalling facts, figures, numbers, persons, names, places, things, words, etc).

§         Comprehension based questions (Placing the content in your own words, etc)

§         Application based questions (Use the facts, names, places, simple concepts in various other situations—i.e. How can faith in God  affect my relationships?)

§         Analysis based questions (The ability to break apart a whole into smaller parts to identify them—i.e. Identify the 5 different ways to use scripture mentioned within 2 Timothy 3:16,17 and how each one is used in various ministries.).

§         Synthesis based questions (The ability to bring other passages to the current passage being studied that support, enhance or illustrate the concepts being reviewed—i.e. How does Ephesians 2:8-10 and Romans 12:1,2 provide a picture of purpose in Christian service).

§         Evaluation based questions (The ability to compare the concepts gleaned from a passage to established standards—i.e. Explain how being God’s workmanship created to do good works {Ephesians 2:8-10}  fulfills the teaching of loving your neighbor as yourself.)


*Advanced questioning skills adapted from The Taxonomy of Educational Objectives by Benjamin S. Bloom.

 | Objectives | Definition | Definition Indepth | Biblical literacy Ethic | Study of Steps | Why an Ethic | How to study | Skills Needed | Steps to Study | Process of Studying | Motivation | Resources & Links | Synthetic Evangelism